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In Good Hands



Since it’s New Year’s Eve, I thought I’d check in on a 2013 resolution. Early in the year, in the throes of training for the Boston Marathon, I made a commitment to receive more bodywork than ever. In particular, because I needed it.


So how’d I do? Well, thanks to these beautiful people above (plus a few other therapists), I did pretty well—not quite to my goal of averaging a massage every other week, but I did receive 24 massages in 2013. You’d think I’d look and feel better! Ironically, this is my 24th blog post of 2013—not exactly meeting my personal goal of weekly or even bi-weekly posts, but an improvement.


Alas, it was not a banner year for the ol’ corpus—starting off with pneumonia, then surviving the marathon, but losing my momentum in July due to a broken fibula (the one downside to my love of ice hockey). Still on my way back from that injury and subsequent surgery, I am nonetheless excited and motivated to once again ramp up my training for Boston. All of us who weren’t able to cross the finish line thanks to the bombings, have been invited to run again. I’m not missing this second chance. New Year, new challenges.


Work-wise, a pretty good year—but more opportunity lies in front of us. Family-wise, a healthy and prosperous one, my fibula excepted. Two graduations—my son Joe from high school, and my wife Sarah with her MBA. And with each year, growing appreciation of all my blessings, from my wife and sons to my (reasonably) good health, and my beloved ABMP family, both inside the building and across the land.


Happy New Year.


