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Come Back!


    In past posts, I’ve talked about how you might craft and deliver your elevator speech. “Yes, I’m a massage therapist! Have you tried bodywork before…” Hopefully you’re comfortable with that assignment by now. My pal Kristin Coverly and I give you an example:   Do you have a “come back” speech ready as well?   The key to successful practice development is establishing a cadre of regular, loyal clients. In order to inspire clients to be “regular,” you need to help them understand the value of frequent bodywork. Kristin explains it best:   A member of our Education department, Kristin coordinates ABMP’s BizFit program efforts, and is a fabulous presenter, marketer, therapist, and human being. And she improves my videos by about 5,000%. Look for more videos from Kristin and me here; in addition members can find them in the ABMPtv section on   So, what does your “come back” pitch sound like?     Prefer to receive more from Les in small doses? Follow him on Twitter — @abmp_les.  
