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3 Tips for Setting Intention with Your Social Media Presence


Do you feel that you use strong intention in all aspects of your life? Think about the tone you set when you have a conversation—you are aware of your point, your diction, and the aim of the dialogue. Your social media presence should be along that same thread—always post with awareness of the intent of your messaging. Here are some tips to post with purpose:

Know Your Community

Are you talking about research with fellow health-care professionals? Are you sharing articles with the numerous health benefits of massage to entice prospective clients? Are you designing funny graphics to laugh with other massage therapists? Or is it a mix of all these things? Think about who you are communicating to and what they will be most interested in hearing.  

Be Aware of Your Audience and Where They Are Most Active

Do you have a specific demographic that you work with? Ask them where they like to spend their time on social media. Perhaps some cruise Instagram for appealing visuals while others prefer Twitter for quick updates.

Know Your Tones

If you have separate business and personal Facebook pages, you are purposely separating the different tones that you set with your e-community. Post consciously and know what’s not appropriate for your professional world. Do you want your clients to know your personal opinion on hot-button issues? If not, save those articles for your personal page and keep your business page professional and limited to massage therapy.

Do you have any social media tips of your own to share? Let us know!

—Tara Doyle, ABMP Social Media and Marketing Coordinator
