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Wellness Now a $4.2 Trillion Industry


The world wellness market grew 12.8% in just the last two years: from a $3.7 trillion industry in 2015 to $4.2 trillion in 2017. That’s according to a new research report–the 2018 Global Wellness Economy Monitor–released today by the Global Wellness Institute. A little economic context? The wellness industry grew 6.4% annually, nearly twice as fast as global economic growth (3.6%) from 2015-2017. And the consumer spend on wellness ($4.2 trillion) is now more than half as much as total global health expenditures ($7.3 trillion). Every single one of the ten wellness sectors–from wellness tourism to fitness & mind-body to workplace wellness–clocked strong recent growth.

The report, which features more global, regional and national data and analysis than ever before, is available on the Global Wellness Institute website.
