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MTF Grant and Submission Deadlines Approaching


Application deadlines for Massage Therapy Foundation (MTF) grants and contest submissions are approaching.

Massage Therapy Foundation grants and contests give you the opportunity to make a direct impact on the future of the massage therapy profession.

"You may have an idea for a research study that could open up new treatment avenues, or maybe you work with a community in desperate need of the benefits of massage," writes Jerrilyn Cambron, LMT, DC, MPH, PhD, Massage Therapy Foundation President. "You might be a student who works with a client who presents excellent material for a case report, or perhaps you have a case that you would like to share by creating a poster to be considered for display at convention. If this sounds like you, now is the perfect time to apply to one of our grants or contests. Don't delay; application deadlines are approaching! We would love to hear your ideas and help you bring your unique contributions to the profession."

The following grants and contests are currently open for submission:

Research Grants
Community Service Grants
Poster Abstract
Student Case Report Contest

For information or to apply to any of the grants or contests, visit the MTF website.

