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GSN Announces Pledge for the Planet Campaign


GSNPlanet has announced its Pledge for the Planet campaign to encourage the wellness industry to commit to eight principles of environmental sustainability by Earth Day 2020. GSN recognizes that consciously managing a reduced environmental footprint is the key to success and the time to act is now.  

On September 23, 2019, the United Nations is convening a Climate Action Summit with concrete and realistic plans to accelerate action to implement the Paris Agreement. As part of that effort the United Nations calls upon all to take action to tackle climate change. Every human is part of the solution—from turning off the lights to taking public transport, to organizing an awareness raising campaign in your community.  

GSN understands that green principles, products, and technologies are continually evolving. The Pledge for the Planet campaign is an eight-point plan created in an effort to remain responsive to these developments and apply “best environmental practices” in ways that will make a difference for the spa, hospitality, and wellness industry.  

The purpose of this pledge is to commit to the following by Earth Day 2020: 

  • Personally pledging at home to the eight principles of sustainability—limiting plastics, reducing water usage, recycling, switching to alternative energy, planting trees, choosing organic food and products, reducing meat and dairy consumption, and sharing education and resources.  
  • Practicing leadership in your workplace by bringing the pledge and its principles to your colleagues and team members.  
  • Influencing your community by sharing what you are doing via social media with the hashtags #bethechange and #pledgefortheplanet.

The wellness community can complete the Pledge for the Planet by reviewing the pledge document and signing the pledge at
