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Dr. Leon Chaitow, December 7, 1937 — September 20, 2018


With great sadness we report that Dr. Leon Chaitow has passed away after a gallant battle with illness. Chaitow contributed to the world of bodywork in countless ways, as an author, speaker, educator, and practitioner. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (JBMT) and author/editor of more than 70 books. He dictated his last JBMT editor’s note from his home three days before his death on September 20.

In the few months before he passed, he was able to complete his last book, Fascial Dysfunction, 2nd edition, soon to be published by Handspring. ABMP had the honor and the pleasure of working with Chaitow many times over the years, including several articles published in Massage & Bodywork magazine. His wisdom, wit, and graceful presence will be missed.

Dr. Sasha Chaitow posted the notice and a tribute on her father’s Facebook page, including: “His legacy lives on in his many books and articles, in the students he taught, in the patients he treated, and in the family to whom he was a most beloved husband and father whose loss will never fade. The greatest way to honour him is to continue to carry that torch.”

Chaitow also leaves behind his wife Alkmini. A British citizen, Chaitow lived and worked between London and Corfu, Greece.

Ruth Werner, Leon Chaitow, and Leslie A. Young
