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New Wisconsin Law Will Set Instructor Requirements


As previously reported, the passage of AB 588, signed into law on May 13, 2010 will make it mandatory for massage and bodywork therapists to be licensed by the state in order to practice, essentially changing the law from title protection to a mandatory practice act.

Prior to the passage of AB 588, there were no requirements governing massage or bodywork therapy instructors in Wisconsin. The new law requires instructors teaching courses in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and pathology to have completed two years of postsecondary education and training or to have professional training and at least two years of experience in a health- related field.

AB 588 also requires instructors teaching courses in the theory and practice of massage or bodywork therapy to be licensed as a massage or bodywork therapist and have either two years as a practicing professional or formal education and training as a massage or bodywork therapy instructor.

The Massage Therapy and Bodywork Therapy Affiliated Credentialing Board will be appointed by the governor and will further define the general instructor criteria as they develop rules and regulations to implement the law. ABMP encourages schools to become engaged in that process when the board is appointed and starts meeting.

Questions can be directed to Kathy Laskye, school liaison (, or to Jean Robinson, Government Relations Director (
