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Washington Massage Therapists Required to Obtain COVID-19 Vaccination


Washington Governor Jay Inslee issued Proclamation 21-14 on August 9, 2021, which requires health-care workers to be fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccination by October 18, 2021.
Those entitled to a “disability-related reasonable accommodation or a sincerely held religious belief accommodation” by law are exempt from this requirement.
The proclamation specifically identifies massage therapy as a health-care setting where a vaccine will be required, including:  

  • Massage therapy offices (this includes designated areas where massage is administered within non-health-care settings like spas and wellness/fitness centers)
  • Chiropractic offices

“Fully vaccinated” is defined as two weeks after the final shots of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or two weeks after the single shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Finally, current mask and personal protective equipment requirements remain in place regardless of whether one is vaccinated. Violators may be subject to criminal penalties.

If you have questions or concerns, email us at
