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Washington Introduces Massage Compact Bill


The Washington legislature introduced House Bill 1437 (HB 1437), the Massage Compact (Compact), in January 2023. The Compact will simplify interstate massage therapy practice and regulation with the goal of reducing unnecessary burdens related to licensure by endorsement or reciprocity. Essentially, HB 1437 will make it easier for licensed massage therapists to work in other jurisdictions.

Once at least seven states pass the bill, the Compact will allow licensed massage therapists to temporarily move from one compact state to another by applying for a multistate license without long wait times to receive a new state license or a hiatus between practicing. Eligible massage therapists must have 625 hours of massage therapy education, passed a national examination, a clean background check, no encumbrances against their license in their home state, and had no disciplinary action against their license to obtain a multistate license.

HB 1437 ultimately increases the mobility of lawfully practicing massage therapists in compact-participating states by reducing long processing times, while ensuring safe, competent, and reliable massage therapy services to the public. If you believe an interstate license would benefit massage therapists, write a letter to your representatives. You can find your representatives here. You can reference this advocacy email template to help write your letter.

ABMP is in favor of HB 1437 and sent a letter of support to Washington’s legislature. If you have questions about the Compact, please email us.
