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Update on Proposed Revised Massage Rules in WA


The Washington Board of Massage continues to work on new massage therapy rule language.  The rules writing process is open to the public, and the public is welcome to take part in helping the Board write rules. Draft rules language is available on the Board's Rules in Progress webpage.

The Board will hold another rules workshop at its upcoming November 9 meeting. To give Board members ample time to review comments, the Board has requested that comments be submitted by Friday, November 2.  However, all comments will be provided to Board members beforehand.  You are welcome to attend the November 9 meeting, which will take place at 9:00am at:

Department of Health
111 Israel Rd SE, Room 158
Tumwater, WA 98501 | Directions

Comments may be sent to or to Megan Maxey ( and Brandon Williams (
