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Texas to Review Massage Rules - Submit Your Comments by May 30


The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) is reviewing the most recent version of the Massage Therapy Administrative Rules. The purpose of the review is to determine whether the current rules should be readopted, revised, or discontinued. This rule review is required every four years.

If you want to comment on the rules or suggest changes, now is your opportunity. The Department encourages anyone to submit comments by May 30, 2022. First, review the administrative rules, then submit your comments on the Department’s website.

In addition to your commentary, the Department will determine whether these rules should continue to exist by looking at each rule and asking the following questions:

  1. Is this rule outdated/obsolete?
  2. Does this rule reflect current legal and policy issues?
  3. Does this rule align with current Department procedures?

Deadline to submit comments: May 30, 2022.

