Legislators in Texas are considering several bills that impact the massage profession. Here you can find an in-depth summary of the details impacting licensed massage therapists (MTs), massage establishments, and massage students, as well as our position on the bills. All bills are efforts to combat human trafficking. We sent this letter to legislators addressing our concerns with the bills.
If you want to comment on any of the bills, we've included the sponsors of each bill and where the bills are currently located within the Texas legislature. We always recommend when commenting you include your elected representative and senator in addition to all bill sponsors and committee members considering the bills. Find your representative here and your senator here. Additionally, the Texas legislature has posted information about the public testimony process here and a list of committee hearings is posted here.
House Bill 15 (HB15) & Senate Bill 20 (SB20)
These bills change the individual application process by requiring fingerprints for each license application; requiring massage schools create and issue student permits; requiring massage establishments and schools display a human trafficking sign; expanding legal implications of massage entities engaged in illegal activities; and allowing landlords to terminate leases for improper licensure or noncompliance with ordinances.
SB20 passed the Senate and is on the floor of the House of Representatives for final voting. HB15 is also on the floor of the House of Representatives for consideration and voting. It is possible SB20 will pass and become law.
SB20 is sponsored by Senators Joan Huffman, Carol Alvarado, Paul Bettencourt, Donna Campbell, Pete Flores, Jane Nelson, Angela Paxton, Charles Perry, and six co-sponsors. HB15 is sponsored by Representatives Senfronia Thompson, Matt Krause, Nicole Collier, James White, Yvonne Davis, and seven co-sponsors.
House Bill 2747 (HB2747) & Senate Bill 1433 (SB1433)
These bills also require fingerprints for license applications; don't allow people to reside at massage establishments; require a photo be added to individual licenses; and require establishments and schools display a human trafficking sign.
HB2747 passed through the House of Representatives and is currently with the Senate Committee on Business and Commerce under the leadership of Senators Kelly Hancockand Robert Nichols. HB2747 is sponsored by Representatives Evelina Ortega, Brooks Landraf, Senfronia Thompson, Sam Harless, and Ana-Maria Ramos. SB1433 is also with the Senate Committee on Business and Commerce. SB1433 is sponsored by Senator Jose R. Rodriguez.
House Bill 1616 (HB1616) & Senate Bill (SB802)
Both of these bills require a photo be added to licenses and require establishments and schools display a human trafficking sign.
HB1616 is currently with the House Committee on Licensing and Administrative Procedures under the leadership of Representatives Tracy O. King and Craig Goldman. The bill is sponsored by Representative Evelina Ortega. SB802 is currently with the Senate Committee on Business and Commerce under the leadership of Senators Kelly Hancockand Robert Nichols and the bill is sponsored by Senator Jose R. Rodriguez.
House Bill 1095 (HB1095)
This bill requires fingerprints for licensure.
HB1095 is sponsored by Representative Ana Hernandez. The bill is currently on the floor of the House of Representatives and will be voted on at a future date.