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Rhode Island Massage Therapists Required to Obtain COVID-19 Vaccination


Update 9/15/21: ABMP received confirmation that the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Health stated this rule applies to all Rhode Island massage therapists.

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) announced in a press release that all RIDOH-licensed health-care providers as well as all employees, interns, and volunteers working in RIDOH-licensed health-care facilities must receive their final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by October 1, 2021.

While Rhode Island massage therapists are regulated by the Board of Massage Therapy, they are under the banner of the Department of Health and must therefore comply with this rule. Prior to October 1, 2021, any worker in a RIDOH-licensed health-care facility who is unvaccinated must wear a face mask and be tested for COVID-19 at least twice weekly.

Those in violation of this rule will face disciplinary action, such as financial penalties, facility license revocation or suspension, or individual license revocation or suspension.

Proof of a medical exemption will excuse individuals from this rule. If you think you have a medical exemption, ABMP encourages you to contact RIDOH by visiting their COVID-19-Related Complaint webpage or calling 401-222-5960.

This is all the information the state has provided at this time. We are seeking clarification on how this applies to all massage therapists in Rhode Island and will update this post as we learn more.
