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Proposed Changes to Massage Regulations—Hearing January 27 at 11:00 a.m. ET


South Carolina House Bill 3561 (HB 3561) and Senate Bill 227 (SB 227) have been introduced in the 2021 legislative cycle.
Both HB 3561 and SB 227 would create establishment licensure and update licensing requirements in South Carolina. Establishment licensing would be required for all massage therapy establishments and there would be an additional sole practitioner establishment license. In addition, license applicants would need to have fingerprints and criminal background checks submitted with their application. Fingerprinting and background checks do not apply to those already licensed, unless a lapsed licensee wishes to renew. Lastly, the bills would increase the education hours required to become licensed from 500 to 650.

There is a hearing on SB 227 in the Senate Labor, Commerce, and Industry Committee Wednesday, January 27, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. in Room 209 of the Gressette Building. You can submit comments on SB 227 here.

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