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Oregon Proposes External Pelvic Floor Massage Rules


The Oregon State Board of Massage Therapists (Board) has proposed new massage therapy rules (page 3), which would allow licensees to perform external pelvic floor massage.

ABMP has summarized the proposed rules for you below. If you would like to submit written comments to the Board in support of, or in opposition to, the proposed rules, email before October 31, 2022. The public and licensees can virtually attend a rules hearing on October 31, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. PST or call in at 872-240-3212 with code 475-762-141 to provide comments.  

Training, Consent, and Rationale
Before performing external pelvic floor massage, the proposed rules state that massage therapists must:

  1. Complete specialized training hours under supervision that are beyond the minimum competencies and cover the following topics:
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Therapeutic treatment techniques
  • Expected outcomes
  • Client safety, consent, and communication
  • Draping techniques and sanitation
  • Ethical responsibilities related to external pelvic floor massage
  1. Obtain written and verbal consent, which must include an option for the client to accept or decline a witness.
  2. Be able to provide a therapeutic rationale for the external pelvic floor massage that is acknowledged by the client—the rationale may include a medical prescription and/or permission to consult with the client’s health-care provider.

Additional Rules
The proposed rules state that those offering external pelvic floor massage must use universal precautions to prevent communicable diseases. While performing the service, a massage therapist must use appropriate draping techniques; temporary genital exposure is acceptable only for the purpose of treatment. Immediately following treatment, the genital area must be covered again. External pelvic massage techniques cannot be performed on individuals under 18 years old.

Continuing Education Rules
Most revisions to the continuing education (CE) rules present merely cleanup language that does not substantially amend the current regulations. Additions to the topics of accepted CE now include the licensee publishing an article related to massage and bodywork or teaching a course on massage and bodywork either live or remote, which can be submitted for CE credits once in a renewal cycle.

Written comment deadline and public hearing: October 31, 2022
