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Oregon Bill Would Require Permit for Operation of Massage Facilities


Oregon Senate Bill 387 was recently introduced in the state legislature. If passed, the bill would require that all “massage facilities,” meaning any “facility where a person engages in the practice of massage,” must obtain a massage facility permit from the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists in order to operate. This requirement would not apply to licensed massage schools or to individual massage therapists working out of their homes.

To receive a permit, a facility would be required to submit a permit application and pay a fee, comply with the Board’s health and safety requirements, and employ only licensed massage therapists, among other things. Facilities would be required to obtain Board approval before relocating the facility or transferring a permit. A permit would need to be renewed periodically, with payment of a renewal fee, prior to its expiration date.

The bill authorizes the Board to adopt rules establishing health, safety, and infection control requirements for massage facilities, as well as rules governing facility investigations. Massage facilities operating without a permit, or which violate any other requirements of the proposed law, would be subject to discipline and monetary penalties.

We will keep our Oregon members apprised of the status of the bill. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Potter, ABMP’s Government Relations Coordinator, at
