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Oklahoma Changes Renewal Fee Structure and Grounds for Discipline


The Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering (Board) issued final rules that impact massage therapy fees and cause for disciplinary action. ABMP outlines the changes and how they affect you below.

License Fees
The new rules will see practitioners spending $100 for a biennial massage therapy license. Previously, professionals had an option to pay $50 for a one-year license or $100 for a two-year license. All professionals must now purchase a two-year license. A duplicate copy of your license costs $10—an increase from $5.

The new rules go into effect September 11, 2023. Your Oklahoma license expires on the last day of your birth month, so this change could affect you soon! ABMP encourages you to double-check your license expiration date and to anticipate a potential fee increase if you’re not already paying for a two-year license renewal.

Grounds for Discipline
The new rules add an amendment that changes the circumstances under which a licensee may receive disciplinary action. The Board can discipline a licensee if the crime they committed or misdemeanor they were charged with largely relates to the practice of massage therapy and/or poses a sufficient threat to public safety.

Effective date: September 11, 2023
