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Oklahoma Bills Affecting Massage Therapy


Senate Bill 750 (SB 750) and House Bill 1652 (HB 1652) have been introduced in Oklahoma this legislative session. These bills will affect massage therapists.

SB 750 would amend the existing Massage Therapy Practice Act in the following ways:

  • Move the licensure of massage therapy from the Board of Cosmetology to the Board of Dentistry. The existing Massage Therapy Advisory Board would handle discipline and make recommendations to the Board of Dentistry for final decision.
  • Grandfathering for massage therapy licenses would reopen through September 30, 2021. Grandfathering would require passing an exam, providing an affidavit of work experience in Oklahoma, or proof of 500 hours of education from a massage school.
  • Establishment/owner licenses would be required for anyone operating a massage practice in Oklahoma. Fines for those without an establishment license could result in up to five years in prison or a fine of up to $5,000.
  • The following fees would go up:
    • $200 new application or reciprocity application (including background check)
    • $100 annual renewal fee
    • $200 entity/owner license application and renewal
    • $100 facility inspection
  • Identifying crimes and convictions that would deny an individual from licensure:
    • Crimes that are subject to the Sex Offender Registration Act
    • Human trafficking
    • Kidnapping
    • Pandering
    • Prostitution or obscenity

SB 750 is headed to the Oklahoma Business, Commerce and Tourism Committee within the next two weeks. We encourage you to use this easy-to-follow advocacy email template courtesy of ABMP to voice your opinion. Simply fill out the email template with the appropriate information and send it to your senator. You can find your senator here.

House Bill 1652 would amend the Massage Therapy Practice Act in the following ways:

  • Reopen grandfathering through August 1, 2021. Grandfathering would require passing an exam, providing an affidavit of work experience in Oklahoma, or proof of 500 hours of education from a massage school.
  • Create an annual renewal for establishment licenses for “any fixed business location, address, building or property” where someone practices massage therapy. As this renewal is for fixed business locations, it will not affect outcall or mobile massage. The proposed application and renewal fee is $50.
  • Allow for temporary work permits of 90 days for those who have 500 hours of education.

HB 1652 has been assigned to the Rules Committee in the House. We encourage you to use this easy-to-follow advocacy email template courtesy of ABMP to voice your opinion. Simply fill out the email template with the appropriate information and send it to your representative. You can find your representative here.

If you have questions or concerns, email us at
