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New Mexico HB 155 Update


New Mexico massage therapy establishment licensing does not make it through the legislative process before 2020 legislative session ends.

New Mexico House Bill 155 (HB 155) was never heard in the House Judiciary Committee. The legislative session ended Thursday, February 20, 2020. ABMP extends to you a heartfelt congratulations for the action you took in response to the establishment licensing bill. The comments you submitted regarding HB 155 were heard, and they worked! Though we may celebrate the victory this year, remember that a new establishment licensing bill may present itself again next year.

In the meantime, we encourage you to contact your legislators about what establishment licensing means to you, what you do as a massage therapist, and what your practice looks like. Meeting with legislators can go a long way to helping them understand the issue within the massage community if/when establishment licensing is considered again. You can find your local Representatives and Senators here.
