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New Jersey Board Wants to Remove Your CE Benefit; ABMP Vigorously Opposing Proposal


The New Jersey Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy (Board) issued a proposed rule that could drastically impact your ability to access continuing education (CE) options. The proposed rule singles out ABMP by removing ABMP as an approved CE provider. ABMP submitted a letter to the Board that outlines our arguments. You can read that letter in its entirety here.

We will get over the fact that whoever drafted the proposed rule couldn’t get our organization’s name right, even though ABMP has been serving New Jersey members for 36 years. Discriminating against ABMP, which offers more CE courses than any other organization, however, cannot be allowed to stand.

The proposed rule states: “Finally, the Board has become aware that the Association of Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) [sic] does not approve continuing education courses or continuing education providers. The Board proposes to amend N.J.A.C. 13:37A-4.2(a) to remove the ABMP from the list of entities authorized to approve courses or providers.”

Current regulations list 13 organizations—including ABMP—whose massage therapy CE offerings meet the “approved by, or offered by” test for satisfying CE requirements. Of those organizations, only the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) and the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) are independent, objective course assessment and approval authorities. The other 11 organizations—including ABMP—perform some combination of course developer, sponsor, and/or provider roles. All we ask is that ABMP continue to be placed on the same footing as these other 10 organizations.

Although ABMP does not approve CE courses or providers, every CE course ABMP provides is approved by the NCBTMB, an authorized entity to approve courses or providers.

We encourage you to attend the October 26 virtual meeting at 9:00 a.m. EDT at this link if you believe:

  • ABMP should remain an approved provider of individually approved continuing education courses for the benefit, convenience, and best interest of New Jersey practitioners since our courses are approved by the NCBTMB.
  • ABMP’s Education Center brings value to New Jersey massage therapists with quality course content from respected instructors in the profession in a variety of topics—including ethics, safety, self-care, pathology, and anatomy—comprising 773 hours of relevant continuing education choices.

We hope for a constructive, amicable resolution of this issue with the Board. However, singling out ABMP and proposing to eliminate us from the Board’s approved providers list would be both discriminatory and ultimately a disservice to New Jersey massage and bodywork professionals. As always, ABMP will advocate for you, including maintaining your free CE as a member benefit.
