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New Jersey


Despite the efforts of ABMP members and massage, bodywork, and somatic therapists throughout the state, the New Jersey Legislature passed a budget bill that increased the state's sales and use tax from 6% - 7% on July 15,2006, and expands the base sales tax on October 1, 2006. From Assembly Bill 4901, the provision reads:

"3. There is imposed and there shall be paid a tax of 7% upon: (9) Massage, bodywork or somatic services, except such services provided pursuant to a doctor's prescription."

As of October 1, 2006 massage, bodywork and somatic therapists will be required to charge their
clients sales tax unless their client obtains a prescription from their doctor. We do not yet
have information on what forms will need to be submitted and where. All updated information
ABMP receives will be posted at

We recommend therapists start educating their clients about this immediately; if a client seeks
massage for a medical condition, ask him/her to contact their doctor and request that a
prescription be faxed or mailed to you. You may want to provide your clients with a script to
use when calling their doctor. For example:

"New Jersey has now imposed a 7% sales tax on massage and bodywork therapy unless a patient has a prescription from a doctor. I have been receiving massage therapy/bodywork for neck pain and I would appreciate Dr. Smith writing a prescription so I don't have to pay sales tax on top of my out-of-pocket costs for the treatment. The prescription should read: Massage/bodywork therapy for musculoskeletal pain as needed."

IMPORTANT: Under the current New Jersey massage, bodywork & somatic therapies law, state-certified massage therapists are prohibited from treating impairment, illness, disease, or disability. Do not request a prescription for treatment of impairment if you have received your New Jersey state massage certification.

This applies only to therapists who have become certified by the state of New Jersey. Therapists are not New Jersey-certified just by virtue of NCBTMB certification, or by their school or local municipality, or as a certified member of ABMP.

Other news:

Assembly Bill 1670 (A. 1670), would amend the current state massage law from a title protection
to a practice act by making certification mandatory. ABMP continues to work as part of a
coalition representing organizations within the massage community to amend this bill and create
a comprehensive licensing law. We will add the repeal of this tax to our agenda. We will be
asking for volunteers to meet with their legislators when the time is right, please contact
Jean Robinson at if you are able to volunteer.

New Jersey ABMP members collected more than 7,300 signatures of residents opposed to expanding
the sales and use tax to massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies. Thank you to all who collected
signatures. A special thank you to Rena Margulis for coordinating the petition drive and for her representation of ABMP at coalition meetings.

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