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New Hampshire House Bill 121


Legislators in New Hampshire are considering House Bill 121 (HB121), a bill that requires massage therapy, reflexology, structural integration, and Asian bodywork therapy establishments to be registered and licensed if there are two or more therapists practicing in the establishment. If the bill moves forward as written, the establishment fees would be determined by the Advisory Board of Massage Therapy and the Advisory Board of Reflexology, Structural Integration, and Asian Bodywork Therapists, respectively. The bill passed the House of Representatives and is currently in the Senate. At some point, the bill will be assigned to a senate committee for review and voting before going to all senators for a vote.

ABMP opposes this bill because it adds an unnecessary financial burden to licensed and registered massage therapists who are not participating in illegal activities. Human trafficking can be better addressed through the criminal code and through educating law enforcement what massage therapy, reflexology, structural integration, and Asian bodywork therapy is and what it isn't. You can find the letter we sent to the legislature here.

Representative Peter B. Schmidt and Representative Debra Altschiller are sponsoring the bill and we recommend you contact them if you want to comment on the bill.

Here are some suggested talking points: 

  • HB121 potentially puts an unnecessary and unjust financial burden on licensed/registered massage therapists, reflexologists, structural integrators, and Asian bodywork therapists who are not engaged in illicit activities.
  • Human trafficking is bigger than the massage, reflexology, structural integration, and Asian bodywork therapy professions. In addition, the criminal code needs to be amended for felony charges for landlords and owners who lease to or own illicit businesses, and to managers who employ individuals to practice these professions without a license.  
  • Advisory boards can continue to have an impact on human trafficking by having an exchange of information between law enforcement, human trafficking task forces, and advisory boards. 

After sharing comments with your legislators, please share them with us at