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New Hampshire Bill Would Repeal Massage Therapy Regulation


House Bill 446 FN, sponsored by Representative Spec Bowers (Phone: (603)763-2369 Email: ) of Sunapee, would repeal the professional regulation of several occupations in New Hampshire, including massage therapists, reflexologists, structural integrators, and Asian bodywork therapists. A hearing has been scheduled for February 22, 2011, at 2:00 p.m. in the House Committee of Executive Departments and Administration.

ABMP is opposed to this bill and encourages you to contact the members of the committee and voice your opposition.

The profession has been regulated in New Hampshire since 1980. The current licensing law sets entry-level standards for education and provides an avenue for consumer complaint. While ABMP would not be opposed to lowering the 700 hour entry-level education requirement to 500 hours to be more consistent with the rest of the country, there is no reason to repeal the regulation altogether.

Representative Bowers claims that he and his co-sponsors believe the "consumer is king and they should be able to hire the provider of their choice without interference from the state." We agree and believe this is already the case even with regulation. Representative Bowers is also concerned that regulation discourages entrepreneurs from bringing businesses and jobs to the state. Setting entry-level education standards for a health profession is not discouraging entrepreneurs, it's protecting the public.

Please take a minute and contact the committee members.