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Montana Massage License Applications Available


As of July 1, 2010, you will need to be state licensed to practice as a massage therapist in Montana. The Montana Board of Massage Therapy is now accepting applications for licensing. Applications can be found at

Because of the way the law was written, no licenses may be issued until 7/1/2010. However, license applications should be submitted now. Completed applications will be processed and a letter will be issued to the applicant stating the licensure status. Applications with the status of "approved" will be issued a license beginning 7/1/2010.

Application Processes
You may apply through one of three processes: grandfathering, endorsement, or examination. The grandfathering application is the easiest, consisting of four parts listed below.

  1. Submit a completed application and application/license fee of $130.00 (check or money order payable to the Montana Board of Massage Therapy).
  2. Submit documentation that the applicant will be at least 18 years of age by 7/1/2010. A copy of a driver's license or birth certificate is acceptable.
  3. Provide a notarized affidavit stating that the applicant has engaged in the practice of massage therapy for at least 100 hours in Montana on or before 7/1/2010 and prior to application. A form is provided in the application packet for your use.
  4. Provide two letters attesting to the good moral character of the applicant sent directly to the board office by individuals who are not family members (your employer or clients are good choices). A form is provided in the application packet for your use and may be copied as many times as needed.

You will personally be submitting the application, one affidavit document, and the fee. Letters attesting to moral character will be sent to the board office by the individuals you ask to provide them. You may choose to provide individuals attesting to your moral character a postage paid envelope already addressed to the board to make it as easy as possible for them.

If you choose to apply by examination, in addition to the above items, you will have to submit proof of high school graduation, evidence of completing a massage therapy program, and evidence of a passing score on either the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) offered by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) or either of the two exams offered by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).

If you choose to apply by endorsement, in addition to the items contained in the grandfathering application, you will have to submit proof of graduation from high school, official verification from each state in which you are licensed, and a copy of the licensing requirements from each state in which you are licensed. Some states may charge a fee for verification. We recommend that you contact each state prior to sending the request.

Again, the grandfathering application is the quickest and easiest pathway to licensure.

Additional Considerations
Question 11 on the application asks: "Have you ever practiced any other branch of the Healing Arts that did not require a license in that jurisdiction? If yes, please list." ABMP contacted the board for clarification of this confusing question. The board is asking you to report additional training you have had in unlicensed practices. List all of the modalities that you practice under question 11.

Practices exempt from massage therapy licensure, as long as practitioners do not practice or advertise that they practice massage therapy, include: movement education, structural integration, and reflexology.

As always, ABMP will make licensure information available at

Specific questions should be directed to the board:
Montana Board of Massage Therapy
PO Box 200513
301 South Park, 4th Floor
Helena, MT 59620-0513
406-841-2331 or 2394
Fax: (406-841-2305

