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Minneapolis Massage Establishment License Requirement Now In Effect

The proposed Minneapolis city ordinance requiring that all massage and bodywork establishments within the City of Minneapolis must have a City massage establishment license was adopted, and is now in effect.

As a result, all massage and bodywork establishments in Minneapolis must have a city license by July 1, 2014. 

Click here to read the ordinance.

Minnesota Bill to Create Voluntary Registration for Massage Therapists Dies

Senate File 1233, the Senate's version of the House's 1503, has stalled in the Senate Health, Housing, and Family Security committee. Following a hearing on Monday, March 15, 2010, the bill failed to secure a vote and was held over without further action. The bill is considered dead and will likely be re-introduced next year.

Minnesota Considers Adopting Voluntary Registration for Massage Therapists

If passed, House File 1503, would create a voluntary registration credential for massage therapists and create the Registered Massage Therapist Advisory Council to advise and assist the Board of Nursing in implementing the law. ABMP cannot support the bill in its current form; however, we are working with the AMTA chapter and legislative sponsor with the hope of amending the bill to address our concerns.


Minnesota Update on Licensing Effort

This email is being sent by ABMP at the request of the Alliance for Licensing Massage Therapists (ALMT). ABMP will continue to represent members with this organization. If you're interested in becoming more involved you can register with the ALMT or contact Jean Robinson at


HF 2747, sponsored by Representative Simon, was signed into law by Governor Pawlenty. The bill modifies the current complementary and alternative health care practices act (CAM law) by striking the definition of "former client." ABMP was supportive of the bill. Below is the effected section.