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Use Your Voice to Advocate for Minnesota Massage Therapy Licensure


If you support statewide massage therapy licensure, this message is for you. If you don’t support statewide licensure, this message is also for you (and may make you rethink your position). Minnesota is one of only five states to remain unlicensed, even though it is a critical effort for the industry. Please join ABMP to increase massage therapy standards, to implement enhanced public protection, and to encourage progress in the industry.

What Would a License Do for Me?

There are many benefits attached to a massage therapy license. Among the 45 licensed states, ABMP has seen licensure improve the massage therapy profession by:

  • Establishing a uniform scope of practice
  • Standardizing statewide educational training requirements
  • Increasing public protection
  • Reducing administrative and financial burdens by replacing complicated city regulations
  • Creating professional standards to elevate the massage community
  • Encouraging industry growth and credibility

How Can I Help?

Although the 2023 legislative session has ended, there is still plenty to do in the offseason in preparation for the 2024 session! Let’s keep the drumbeat going—actually, let’s make it louder—and let lawmakers know licensing is an important issue they must address next year.

Use the QR code below to send a message to your Minnesota representatives. Tell them why massage therapy licensure is important to you—draw inspiration from the bullet points above in combination with your personal experiences. Make sure to underscore why a licensing bill must be seriously considered in 2024 . . . let’s welcome licensure in the new year.

Send a message to your legislators

using the QR code below

Please reach out to the ABMP Government Relations team if you have questions. We thank you in advance for your advocacy.
