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A New Try for Massage Therapy Licensure in Minnesota


On January 30, 2023, Senator Clare Oumou Verbeten introduced Senate File 967 (SF 967), which would require massage therapists and Asian bodywork therapists to be state licensed. A substantively consistent companion piece of legislation, House File 973 (HF 973), was introduced in the Minnesota House of Representatives by Representative Dave Pinto. Both bills have multiple co-sponsors.

The bill language basically coincides with prior versions developed by a coalition of interested parties, including ABMP. The bills would require 625 education hours to secure an initial license, but also provides generous licensure by prior experience (“grandfathering”) opportunities for individuals currently practicing massage. As is often the case, bill language will be adjusted as it moves through the legislative process.

The Minnesota legislative process is complex, involving consideration by multiple committees in both the Senate and House. Should this licensing proposal gain traction, we may ask you to contact legislators on a particular committee. For now, if you believe massage licensing would help the public and the profession, send supportive emails to and thanking them for their leadership.

Should SF 967 or HF 973 successfully move through the legislature in 2023, statewide licensure for massage and Asian bodywork therapy would become effective January 1, 2024. Applications for licensure by prior experience, or by endorsement from another state, would need to be submitted before January 1, 2024, with required paperwork. One amendment being sought would extend this date to provide more time for those seeking licensure by prior experience.

ABMP aims to be actively involved in the development of bills. If either bill becomes law, we will communicate to you the steps needed to qualify for licensure.
