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Maryland Bill Seeks to Create New Massage Therapy Board Separate from Chiropractic Board


Maryland massage therapists are currently regulated by the Board of Chiropractic and Massage Therapy, which also regulates chiropractors.  A new bill, Maryland HB 1420, proposes to separate the regulation of the two professions by creating a new Board of Massage Therapy Examiners, which would regulate only massage therapists, and a separate Board of Chiropractic Examiners, which would regulate only chiropractors.  The Board of Massage Therapy Examiners would be composed of 7 members, five of whom would be licensed massage therapists and two of whom would be consumer members. ABMP supports this bill, since it would allow the board to better address the particular issues specific to the field of massage therapy.  A hearing on the bill is set for March 14, 2016 in the House Health and Government Operations Committee.  We will keep you informed of the status of this bill.
