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House Bill 448 has been introduced in the Maryland House of Delegates. The bill would expand the definition of "taxable services" under the sales and use tax imposing additional sales taxes on consumers; including on massage therapy. Massage is the only health care service to be added as a taxable service.

To view the entire bill, go to:

A hearing on HB 448 has been scheduled for March 14, 2007, at 1p.m. in the House Ways & Means Committee. ABMP recommends you contact the following Delegates, in addition to your representatives, and ask them to please oppose any tax on massage therapy.

  • Massage therapy is a health care service that people often have to pay for out-of-pocket, to tax them would literally be adding insult to injury.
  • As a massage practitioner, this will significantly increase administrative work and negatively affect small business.

Sheila E. Hixson, Chair (410) 841-3469, (301) 858-3469
Ann Marie Doory, Vice-Chair (410) 841-3476, (301) 858-3476
James W. Gilchrist, Primary Sponsor (410) 841-3744, (301) 858-3744

To find out who your state representatives are and how to contact them, go to:
