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July 30 Special Public Meeting on Proposed Massage Establishment Permit Requirement


The Maryland State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners has announced that a Public Forum regarding the proposal for a "Massage Therapy Business Establishment Permit" law for the State of Maryland will be held on Monday, July 30, 2018. The purpose of the Public Forum is to share the Board's potential upcoming legislative efforts to require that Maryland massage therapy business establishment owners obtain a state permit in order to provide massage therapy services. This proposed establishment permit would be in addition to the already-required state licensure of individual therapists. We encourage everyone to attend this important meeting; the meeting is open to the public.

The details:

What:  Public Forum regarding the enactment of a "Massage Therapy Business Establishment Permit" law in Maryland
When: Monday, July 30, 2018 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Where: 4201 Patterson Ave, Room 110 Baltimore, MD

Click here for more information on the Board's website.

The Board has also issued an online survey regarding massage establishment regulation which we encourage you to complete. Please complete the survey by July 26, 2018 so that the Board has the survey results prior to the forum. Click here to complete the survey.







