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Board of Massage Therapy
9619 Interline Ave
Suite B
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Phone: 225-756-3488
Fax: 225-925-7834

> Website

Title: Licensed Massage Therapist
Requirement: 625 hours, and MBLEx, background chec
Renewal: 12 hours/1 year

Louisiana Increases Minimum Education Hours

Senate Bill 353 was enacted in late June, raising Louisiana’s minimum massage education hours from 500 to 625. Find out what your school needs to do to comply with the new education requirement.

Louisiana Bill Proposes Massage Program Hour Increase

Effective October 1, 2024, Louisiana massage students will no longer be eligible for federal financial aid because massage programs are limited by Louisiana law. But there is a solution: Senate Bill 353 will increase the required education hours for massage licensure from 500 to 625. ABMP fully supports this bill, and we explain why you should too.

Louisiana Governor Signs Two Bills Impacting Massage Therapy Schools

House Bill No. 240 creates a provisional license for any graduate of a massage therapy school, allowing them to work while they wait for their licensure application to be approved. Senate Bill No. 286 allows educational hours above 500 to be taught either in person or via distance learning.

Changes to the Louisiana Massage Practice Act

House Bill No. 531 passed this legislative session and amends multiple sections of the Louisiana Massage Practice Act, including scope of practice, continuing education, and renewal requirements. It also modifies the look of LA massage therapy license.

Louisiana COVID-19 State Update Permission to Practice June 5, 2020

Governor John Bel Edwards announced Louisiana's Roadmap to Resilience will move to Phase 2, allowing barber and beauty shops, nail salons, massage therapy establishments, spas, and esthetician services to resume business operations June 5, 2020, except for Orleans Parish, which remains in Phase 1. 

Louisiana HB 792 Passed With Significant Changes

The bill discussed in our most recent legislative alert, HB 792, was signed into law by Governor Edwards on June 17, 2016.  The bill was amended significantly during the legislative process, removing all of the provisions that ABMP opposed.  We thank all of you who contacted your legislators to voice your concerns during the process. 

The new law amends Louisiana’s massage therapy statute, but only in the following three ways: 


The Louisiana Board of Massage Therapy is now accepting the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) offered by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB: as a qualification for licensure.