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KY House Bill 8 Update—Governor's Veto is Overridden, Bill Becomes Law


On April 13, 2022, the Kentucky House of Representatives received House Bill 8 (HB 8) and voted to override Governor Beshear’s veto on the bill. The governor’s veto was overridden 72-25. The bill then moved on to the Kentucky State Senate where the veto was successfully overridden 28-8-1.

With the veto override in both chambers, HB 8 was enrolled and enacted on April 14, 2022, and the provisions within the bill are now law. Effective January 1, 2023, massage therapists are required to charge a 6 percent sales tax on massage services, except for those that are “medically necessary.”

Rules will be drafted in the near future, which will hopefully clarify what is considered “medically necessary.” ABMP will be participating in this rulemaking process. We will update you as we learn more.

Thank you to those who contacted their representatives and legislators in the effort to fight this bill.
