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Kentucky Massage Therapist Meeting to Discuss COVID-19 Guidelines


The Kentucky Board of Licensure for Massage Therapy (KBLMT) will have a second virtual meeting this week on May 13, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. to discuss the released COVID-19 guidelines and clarify certain points. The email sent to Kentucky licensed massage therapists from the Kentucky Massage Therapy Coalition, which ABMP participates in, is below. To join the meeting please visit

If you want to send in comments regarding the current proposed rules, please email with “guidelines” in the subject line.

Please see the Massage Therapy Coalition statement below.

COVID-19 has its own timeline. The only certain and consistent thing about it is that nothing is certain and consistent. Information changes about this virus, and how it has affected our lives, by the minute. Due to this, the Massage Therapy Coalition feels it’s important to glean the facts from the fear and disinformation.  As a profession, we want to get back to practicing our passion, serving our clients and paying our bills. We can’t let this cloud our ability to see all sides of the issues affecting our ability to do so. As of now, one of our biggest obstacles is agreeing upon and acquiring what is reasonable PPE. This brings us to the issue of the board submitted proposal that was approved by the DPH (see below for definition). On the face of it, it appeared as if Brian Houillion, KBLMT board chair, had acted outside of his authority by not communicating with his board members on his decision to submit a proposal in a hasty fashion without soliciting any sincere input from them or the AMTA or ABMP as associations. He also neglected to share it with his board once submitted. We feel his lack of communicating what he felt needed to be done, as well as not sharing the content of this proposal with his board once it was submitted, is certainly a failing on his part. In fairness to all sides, we feel a need to set the record straight in light of the facts which have come to our attention today. 

As it was researched further, it turns out Mr. Houillion acted in good faith per his vice chair, Brandy Madding, who has looked into his actions. The guidelines are not his, but came down from the Inspector General with The Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department of Public Health (DPH). The wearing of gowns, gloves, masks and goggles are a requirement that will not be able to be changed until Phase 2 per the DPH. Links to references here:

To further clarify (or confuse), this is not the Governor’s Phase 2 but Phase 2 of the LMTs guidelines which currently does not have an assigned date. These guidelines follow those of chiropractors and the health risk requirements (e.g. obesity/BMI equal to 40 or more, COPD) are set by the DPH as part of the list of those who are at a higher risk for COVID-19 according to the CDC’s guidelines. 

Again, it is important to concentrate on getting back to practice as safely and legally as possible. We need to put whatever emotions we may have about Mr. Houillion and his role on the board aside for now. It will be most productive to move forward into fact and right action in order to move us closer to practicing massage therapy again sooner rather than later. Let’s direct all of the passion and energy this group of professionals possesses into how we can return to work in the best way we are able. 

Monday’s KBLMT board meeting on 5/11, was to take care of board business as required not to address LMT grievances. It was only designated as “special” due to the fact it wasn’t held on the regularly scheduled time and day. Tomorrow’s KBLMT meeting will be focused on the proposal and clarifying certain points that may be confusing as of now. To join the KBLMT meeting at 1:30 p.m. (EST) tomorrow, Wednesday, 5/13, please go to:
