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Licensure Bill for Massage Therapists Introduced in Kansas


Kansas House Bill 2400 (HB 2400) has been introduced in the Kansas legislature and would require statewide licensure for massage therapists. The bill would go into effect at the end of the 2021 legislative cycle.
Massage therapists applying through grandfathering would have until July 1, 2022, to apply. Everyone would need to be licensed through the application process or grandfathering by September 1, 2023, and the application process for new licenses would continue after 2023. If an individual has not been licensed through the new requirements or grandfathering by this date, the individual would no longer be able to refer to themselves as a massage therapist. Municipalities would be preempted from requiring local licensure of massage therapists. However, they would still be able to require business licenses.
Below are the highlights of the bills:

Licensure Requirements

  • Be 18 years or older with a high school degree.
  • Have proof of 625 hours of massage therapy education.
  • Pass a national exam.
  • Have proof of liability insurance (your ABMP membership provides the appropriate liability insurance requirements).
  • Complete fingerprinting and a local and national criminal background check.

Those currently practicing in Kansas can apply through grandfathering no later than July 1, 2022. You can apply for licensing through grandfathering in one of the following ways:

  • Prove completion of 625 hours of education.
  • Prove completion of at least 300 hours of massage therapy during the three years immediately preceding July 2021.
  • Prove practice of massage therapy for at least three years.
  • Prove membership in a professional massage therapy association for at least 12 months (your ABMP membership of at least 12 months would be sufficient).
  • Pass a national examination.

Note: Proof of liability insurance would be required with your grandfathering application and upon following renewals.
Licensees would be given a two-year license with a biennial renewal. After the first renewal cycle, 24 hours of continuing education credits would be required for renewal.
Municipal Preemption
If HB 2400 passes, local municipalities would be preempted from requiring professional licensure of massage therapists. The municipalities would still be able to inspect massage therapy registrations, and zoning laws would still be in place.


  • Initial Application—not to exceed $80
  • Biennial Renewal—not to exceed $75

HB 2400 has been introduced and referred to the House Health and Human Services Committee. You can comment on the bill in committee by emailing Committee Assistant David Long at You can also send comments to all committee members by finding their contact information here. At this point, the bill is not yet on the committee agenda, but it will be scheduled for a later date. You can contact your representative and senator, who will both eventually vote on the bill, at the left menu here.
We encourage you to use this easy-to-follow advocacy email template courtesy of ABMP to voice your opinion. Simply fill out the email template with the appropriate information and send it to the committee members.

Kansas statewide licensure would end the current patchwork of regulation required by practitioners. HB 2400 is a good bill that is not burdensome on practitioners. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to ABMP.

If you have questions or concerns, email us at
