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Kansas Massage Therapy Licensure Legislation Senate Bill 40 Hearing Scheduled - Action: Please contact your legislator!


Massage Therapy Licensure Hearing Set

The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 40 on Tuesday February 3rd at 1:30 PM. Senate Bill 40 is the bill supported by a coalition of massage therapists, including ABMP, to enact legislation to provide for a professional license to practice massage.

Now is the time for each supporter of licensure to contact your local legislators. There will not be much time during the hearing so send your opinions to Senators at your earliest convenience. Our bill is in the Senate so only contact your state senator at this time.

This is a summary of the key features included in the bill. You can use as your talking points to discuss the issue with other massage therapists, clients and supporters. Please urge them to contact legislators!! (We need all the support we can get!)

Time for Action is BEFORE NEXT TUESDAY February 3rd

We need everyone to make contact with your local legislators –Senators, and especially members of the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee. You may use the script below to send them an email or you may phone them instead. Email is best. See below for the correct email address.

2. How to Reach Senators or Find Out Who They Are

You can find the email addresses and telephone numbers of your legislators at the following link:

For all Kansas Senators:

The following legislators are members of the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee. If your legislator or legislators are members of this committee it is extremely critical you contact them now.

Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee:

Public Health and Welfare
Name City Capitol Phone E-mail
Sen. Mary Pilcher Cook, R-10th (Chair) Shawnee 785-296-7362
Sen. Michael ODonnell, R-25th (Vice Chair) Wichita 785-296-7391
Sen. Elaine Bowers, R-36th Concordia 785-296-7389
Sen. Jim Denning, R-8th Overland Park 785-296-7394
Sen. Mitch Holmes, R-33rd St. John 785-296-7667
Sen. Jacob LaTurner, R-13th Pittsburg 785-296-7370
Sen. Garrett Love, R-38th Montezuma 785-296-7359
Sen. Laura Kelly, D-18th (Ranking Member) Topeka 785-296-7365
Sen. David Haley, D-4th Kansas City 785-296-7376

Contact them at their official Topeka email addresses and Topeka telephone numbers.

If you do not know who your legislator is, simply go to this website and type in your address to locate your Senator.

3. The Message You Need to Send Now

The following language should be incorporated in your own words in communication to legislators. Massage therapists, your clients, and your family members, etc. can all use this script. This language is meant to be a guide for making your argument. Please add what you feel you need to add BUT keep the message brief and less than one page. The subject line in your email should be: Support SB 40 regarding massage therapists.

I am _______________ and I live in your district. I am a massage therapist. [Provide a two sentence summary of what you do, your experience, etc.] I need your help in 2015 to pass Massage Therapist Licensure legislation in Senate Bill 40. Senate Bill 40 will be heard on February 3rd in the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee.

At no cost to the State, Massage Therapy Licensure will accomplish the following:

• Provide consumer protection by creating oversight and sanctions through the Kansas State Board of Nursing

• Increase consumer confidence by ensuring Massage Therapists are appropriately trained and following appropriate standards

• At this time, there are NO state standards or education requirements, no code of ethics, and no identified contraindications when massage therapy should not be offered

• Most importantly, there is NO avenue for the citizens of Kansas to file any complaints

I need your support and help during the 2015 legislative session to make sure this legislation is passed. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Again, please feel free to modify this format and language to fit your email, letter or conversation. Please make contact with your legislators if you want this legislation to pass!

If you have any questions please contact Jean Robinson or Nancy Potter, ABMP's government relations team. Jean will be testifying in favor of SB 40 on February 3rd.
