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Elevate Your Voice: Does Licensure Matter to You?


Your voice, your expertise, your thoughts matter. That’s why it’s important for ABMP to hear from you.

ABMP believes that state massage licensure provides a host of benefits to both professionals and the public. By adopting licensure, Kansas could create standardized massage therapy educational requirements, establish qualifications and competencies for entry-level practitioners, and establish a statewide scope of practice and guidelines that increases public protection and decreases a patchwork of local policies that limit massage therapists’ mobility and ability to practice across the state.

As you may know, Senate Bill 305 was introduced earlier this year and would have implemented state massage licensure in Kansas. Unfortunately, that bill will not move forward this year. That’s why we want to hear from you: What are your thoughts about state licensure? How would it benefit you? How would it hinder you?

Take our six-question survey to help us learn from you! By elevating your voice, you will have a direct impact on Kansas massage therapy!

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to the ABMP GR team with any questions.
