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Iowa Will Increase Entry-level Education Requirements


HF 593 was signed by Governor Branstad on 4/13/2011. The law increases the entry-level education required for licensure from 500 to 600 hours. However, educational requirements under this paragraph are subject to reduction by the board if, after public notice and hearing, the board determines that the welfare of the public may be adequately protected with fewer hours of education.

ABMP was opposed to the increase due to the fact that the majority of states recognize a 500 hour entry-level requirement and this increase will have a negative impact on people moving to Iowa who, more than likely, completed a 500 hour program. We hope the board will determine that the current 500 hour entry-level requirement has served to protect the public from unqualified practitioners and rejects the increase since it has not experienced disciplinary actions that would indicate that the 500 hour education requirement is insufficient training.
