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Participate in the Development of Indiana's Massage Rules


The Indiana State Board of Massage Therapy is drafting rules to fill in the details of the state’s new massage therapy licensing law, which changes Indiana’s system from voluntary certification to mandatory licensure. Nothing will change until 183 days after the Board issues the new rules, which will not be for quite a while. Once the rules do go into effect, all existing certifications will be “rolled over” into licenses.

A subcommittee of the Board is now working on drafting the rules. Upcoming subcommittee meetings are as follows:

October 12, 2017 – 9:00 a.m.

November 6, 2017 – following the Board Meeting. The Board Meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.  

November 28, 2017 – 2:00 p.m.

All of the meetings will take place at 302 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis. Room numbers are not yet assigned. As the meeting dates approach, you can go to this website to find out the room number for the meetings.   

We encourage you to attend these meetings if you are interested in speaking up about the rules.  The main issues the subcommittee is considering are (1) the approval of massage therapy schools and (2) continuing education (CE).  With respect to school approval, ABMP is opposed to the Indiana State Board itself approving schools. There are other Indiana state agencies that approve schools, and the process does not need to be duplicated. With respect to CE, ABMP believes that the CE requirements should be uncomplicated and easy for licensees to meet.

If you would like more information about the rules subcommittee hearings and issues, please contact Laura Embleton, ABMP Government Relations Director at
