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Indiana State Board of Massage Therapy Seeks Two New Members


Are you interested in serving on the Indiana State Board of Massage Therapy (Board)? There are currently two vacant seats: one for an Indiana state-certified massage therapist (CMT) and one for a public member. ABMP encourages interested and eligible members to consider applying for an appointment, as it’s a way to become more engaged in the profession.

Am I Qualified?
If you are a CMT who has been actively practicing massage therapy for at least three of the last five years with no pending disciplinary matters, you can apply for an appointment to the Board. If you know of an interested public member—an individual who is not a massage therapist, nor a spouse of a CMT, nor has a direct or indirect financial interest in massage therapy—motivate them to apply!

How Do I Apply?
Contact ABMP’s Government Relation’s team at and let us know you are interested in a Board appointment. We will supply you with the contact information you need to apply.

About the Board
The Board oversees massage therapy regulation in the state of Indiana and consists of five members appointed by the governor. Four members are state-certified massage therapists, and one is a member of the public. Board members serve three-year terms, and they meet at least one time annually. Typically, the Indiana Board of Massage Therapy meets quarterly, in person, in Indianapolis.

Board members impact how the massage therapy industry is regulated and contribute to the strength of the profession. They have varied responsibilities, such as certifying massage therapists, working on licensing rules, enforcing laws and regulations, and handling disciplinary issues. Learn more about the Board here.

Contact ABMP for assistance to apply and help shape the massage therapy profession in Indiana. If you have any questions about serving on the Board, you can also email
