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Indiana COVID-19 State Update Permission to Practice in Stage 2


RE: Information regarding Indiana's back-to-practice permission date and safety guidelines to minimize risk of exposure to, and spread of, COVID-19 in the workplace.

Permission to Practice in Stage 2

On May 1, 2020, Governor Eric J. Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-26, introducing Back on Track Indiana—a road map of five stages to reopen the state, with each additional stage subject to fewer restrictions and limitations than the previous. Per the order, personal service businesses, including spas, salons, barbershops, and massage therapy establishments, may begin operations one week following Stage 2. Your reopening date depends on the county in which you live:

For counties advancing to Stage 2 on May 4, 2020, personal service businesses may open May 11, 2020. This includes all Indiana counties except Lake, Marion, and Cass.

For Lake and Marion counties, advancing to Stage 2 on May 11, 2020, personal service businesses may open May 18, 2020.

For Cass county, advancing to Stage 2 on May 18, 2020, personal service businesses may open May 23, 2020.

All businesses must comply with paragraph 4 (Requirements for All Businesses and Entities in Indiana) of Executive Order 20-26, and are encouraged to adopt the provisions of paragraphs 5 (Guidance for all Businesses/Employers), and 6 (Social Distancing and Other Requirements). In addition, personal service businesses must also follow the limited protocols of paragraph 13 (Personal Services), where the state requires workstations to be spaced accordingly to comply with social distancing protocols and cleaned after every client, services to be scheduled by appointment only, and employees and clients to wear a face covering to the extent possible.

Additional Safety Resources

ABMP, ASCP, AHP, and ANP understand there is a fine line between getting back to work and earning an income and protecting the safety of you and your clients. As you consider returning to work, we urge you to make government permission to work only one element of your decision about whether and when to reopen. Please review our comprehensive series of back-to-practice guidelines to help reduce risk and keep you and your clients safe.

We also have helpful forms and printouts available on our website, including office policies, screening questionnaires, and posters to remind clients about social distancing and handwashing.

We appreciate your membership and will continue working on your behalf to update you as we learn more. Be safe and be well.

If you have questions or concerns, email us at
