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Governor Daniels has made the initial appointments to the Indiana State Board of Massage Therapy. ABMP is disappointed to not have any of our members appointed, despite having at least 12 members apply for consideration. The new board members will attend an orientation meeting on Monday, March 3rd. ABMP will closely monitor the rule-making process and report back to members.

Barbara Lis, Massage Therapist (American Massage Therapy Association member)
Ann Botka, Massage Therapist (American Medical Massage Association member)
Deborah Ellis, Massage Therapist (Independent of a massage therapy organization)
Roger Reeves, Consumer Member
Gary Padjen, Consumer Member

A positive note: You may be aware of blurred scope of practice issues that have allowed Indiana estheticians to perform full body massage without specific massage therapy training outside of their esthetics training. Senator Sue Errington has introduced a Senate Resolution 34 that urges the legislature to address this topic as soon as possible now that there is a definition of "massage therapy" in state law.

Just as massage therapists do not have the proper training to provide esthetic services, estheticians do not have the proper training to provide massage therapy. On average, massage therapists receive 100-150 hours of anatomy and physiology education, which is necessary to address the most common reason consumers seek massage therapy: back or neck pain. Estheticians receive very little anatomy and physiology and massage therapy instruction in their training; certainly not enough to provide competent massage therapy to clients requesting treatment for a variety of conditions, including chronic pain.

If you are aware of estheticians advertising and providing massage therapy services in your area, or if you are aware of any harm being caused by this practice, please contact me directly at

To read Senate Resolution 34, go to:
