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Apply Now for a Seat on the Indiana Massage Board!


Would you like to contribute to the vitality of the massage profession in Indiana? Two positions are currently open for Indiana state-certified massage therapists on the Indiana State Board of Massage TherapyThe Board is the licensing authority for massage practitioners the State of Indiana.

Board members have varied responsibilities including certifying, and soon licensing, massage practitioners, enforcing the massage therapy statute and regulations, and adopting new regulations. This is a particularly exciting time to join the Board because the Board is commencing the process of writing the new regulations that will fill in the details of the state's recently-passed mandatory licensing law. Board members will truly have an impact on how therapists are regulated under the state's new massage therapy law.

The Board consists of five members who are appointed by the Governor: three state-certified (or, in the future, state-licensed) massage therapists who have been actively practicing massage therapy for at least three of the last five years and have no pending disciplinary matters against them, and two members of the general public. Board members serve for three-year terms, and cannot serve more than two terms consecutively. The Board meets four times per year in Indianapolis, and Board committees may hold additional meetings as well. Board members serve as volunteers; this is not a paid job, although a per diem for Board meeting expenses is provided.

If you are an Indiana state-certified massage therapist who has been actively practicing massage therapy for at least three of the last five years and has no pending disciplinary matters, you can apply now by submitting an online application. Click here for the online application (scroll down to "Applying for a Position"). ABMP encourages members looking for a meaningful, interesting, and educational volunteer experience within the massage profession to apply for a Board position. Please contact ABMP here with any questions you may have.

