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Zoning Ordinance Defeated for Now


Yesterday, the proposed zoning ordinance sponsored by Alderman Suarez was deferred by the Chicago City Council. Had the ordinance passed, massage businesses would have been moved out of convenient neighborhoods and placed in commercial and industrial zones.

Thanks to the support of the four aldermen listed below, there will not be a zoning change at this time. Because this is a deferral, the subject will likely be brought forth again. ABMP will let you know when the zoning issue is revisited. In the meantime, this is a good opportunity to know who your alderman is, and to either meet or contact him or her to share information about massage therapy and your business.

Your calls made a difference; thank you! A special thank you to ABMP member Sarah McLaughlin, who served as ABMP's eyes and ears in the room during the hearings. Please take a minute to call and thank the following aldermen:

Alderman Joe Moore:
Ward Phone: (773) 338-5796

Alderman Thomas Tunney:
Ward Phone: (773) 525-6034

Alderman Mary Ann Smith:
Ward Phone: (773) 784-5277

Alderman Brendan Reilly:
Ward Phone: (312) 642-4242
