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Chicago Proposes Change in the Zoning Ordinance


The City of Chicago's Committee on Zoning passed a motion on March 25, 2010, to amend its zoning ordinance affecting massage establishments. The amendment, sponsored by Alderman Ray Suarez (31st Ward), would prohibit "massage establishments" from operating in B Zoning Districts, moving them into C Zoning Districts only. The vote passed 2-0, but the majority of committee members did not vote.

Massage establishments can currently operate in areas typically used by other small businesses and retail establishments in local neighborhoods (B Zoning). If the amendment offered by Alderman Suarez passes as proposed, massage establishments would be moved out of safe and convenient neighborhoods and would be located only in areas normally zoned for commercial and industrial businesses (C Zoning), such as outdoor storage areas and automobile lots. The zoning change would affect solo practitioners, massage clinics, and businesses that offer massage therapy as an ancillary service, such as spas and salons.

Massage businesses and the profession itself would be negatively impacted if the amendment should pass.

Call Alderman Suarez and ask him to reconsider sponsoring this amendment. He can be reached at 773-486-6488.

Call your alderman today and ask him or her to oppose the zoning amendment.

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Go to the "City Council" tab and click "Find you Alderman."
