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Idaho Bill Would Regulate Massage Therapists


Senate bill 1078 has been introduced in the Idaho Senate. If passed, the bill would require massage therapists to become licensed by the state and establish a Board of Massage Therapy to implement the process.

The bill would set minimum training requirements, define a scope of practice, provide an avenue for consumer complaint, and pre-empt local regulations.

For a period of two years, existing practitioners would be able to qualify for a state license by meeting one of the following criteria:

  1. Has completed a massage program consisting of a minimum 500 hours; or
  2. Has completed a massage program of at least 300 hours and has practiced massage for at least 5 hours a week for a period of 3 years; or
  3. Has completed a massage program of at least 200 hours and has practiced massage for at least 5 hours a week for a period of 5 years; or
  4. Has been an active member of a national massage therapist association (such as ABMP) which provides professional liability insurance for at least a year; or
  5. Has passed an examination approved by the board.

After two years, all applicants will have to demonstrate they have completed a massage program consisting of at least 500 hours and passed an examination approved by the board.

Several practices would be exempt from licensure as long as practitioners do not practice, or advertise that they practice massage therapy, including: reflexology, movement educators (Feldenkrais, Trager, and Body-Mind Centering), energy work (Reiki, Shiatsu, Asian Bodywork, Polarity), structural integrators (Rolfing and Hellerwork).

The bill has been assigned to the Senate Health and Welfare Committee but an initial hearing has not yet been scheduled. ABMP will keep members informed.
