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Human Trafficking Notices Must be Posted by MTs Who Employ 5 or More People by January 1, 2014


House Bill No. 1068 was signed Governor Abercrombie on July 3, 2013, and is now Hawaii state law.  The law requires that, starting on January 1, 2014, massage therapy establishments that employ five or more people must post a notice, at least 8 ½ by 11 inches in size, containing contact information for the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline.  The notice must be posted in a place where employees can easily see it. 

If you do not employ five or more people in your massage therapy business, you do not need to post the notice.

You can print out a copy of the notice once it is made available on the Hawaii Department of Labor’s website.  Your notice must contain the exact language that is on the Department’s model notice.  The model notice should be available on the Department’s website toward the end of 2013.

Any establishment that is required to post the notice but fails to do so is subject to a $100 civil penalty for each day the violation continues.
