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Hawaii House Bill 223 and Senate Bill 599 would require 12 hours of CE


Hawaii HB 223 and SB 599 would require 12 hours of continuing education credits for each biennial renewal period beginning July 1, 2022. Two of the 12 hours would need to be “first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or emergency related courses.”
HB 223 passed out of committee and is in the House for second reading. It still needs to pass second reading and have a third reading before moving to the Senate.

SB 599 passed the second reading and was referred to the Senate Committee on Consumer Protection & Commerce.

If you are interested in commenting on these bills, go here to find your representatives and senators. You can also contact the Senate Committee on Consumer Protection & Commerce.

We encourage you to use this easy-to-follow advocacy email template courtesy of ABMP to voice your opinion. Simply fill out the email template with the appropriate information and send it to the committee members.

ABMP members have access to 200+ hours of free, carefully curated continuing education in the ABMP Education Center. ABMP Certified members have access to an additional 400 hours of CE through the World Massage Conference library of courses. If continuing education becomes a requirement for licensure in Hawaii, we will be here to help you earn your CE credits.

If you have questions or concerns, email us at
