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Florida Board of Massage Therapy Seeking Board Members


There are two vacant seats on the Florida Board of Massage Therapy (Board). One seat is for a Florida-licensed massage therapist (LMT) and one is for a public member. If you are interested in serving as a Board member, ABMP encourages eligible members to consider applying for an appointment, since it’s a way to become more engaged in the profession. If you know someone who may be interested in the public member position, let them know about the vacancy.
Am I Qualified?
A Board appointment is an opportunity to learn about various functions of state government and lend your experience and talent to the massage therapy community. To qualify for an LMT appointment, applicants must:

  • Be a Florida resident for at least five years
  • Have a high school diploma, or equivalency
  • Hold an active Florida massage therapy license
  • Be an LMT with at least five consecutive years of massage therapy experience

Note: Public Board members must have a high school diploma, or equivalency, and have been a Florida resident for at least five years.
How Do I Apply?
Board members are appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis and are subject to confirmation by the state senate. Visit the governor’s official Board Application website and follow the application prompts. You will need to submit an appointment questionnaire, demographic and personal information, and a resume and cover letter.
About the Board
The Board oversees massage therapy regulation in Florida and consists of seven members appointed by the governor. Board members serve four-year terms. The Board meets quarterly; however, panels made up of board members meet virtually each month. The Board and its panels are responsible for approving massage therapy school programs, determining license qualifications, reviewing applications, developing standards for continuing education, and handling disciplinary issues. For a more complete understanding of Board duties, review the Public Book that is created for each Board meeting. This document is rather large and will take some time to download.
Learn more about the Board here and email if you need assistance or have questions. Help shape the future of Florida massage therapy and apply for a Board appointment today.

If you applied for the Board, please let ABMP know by emailing  
