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Public Comment Period on Delaware Massage and Bodywork Establishment Regulations


Delaware is in the process of finalizing the Public Health Massage and Bodywork Establishment regulations to create a new section of Delaware rules. These regulations require massage and bodywork businesses to comply with health and safety guidelines. These regulations were originally proposed in April 2018. After a public hearing, public comment period, and in-person meetings with various stakeholders (including ABMP) who provided comments, the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) posted an amendment of the regulations, which are currently under review and can be viewed here.

In summary, the Massage and Bodywork Establishment regulations address operational requirements; safety and sanitation requirements; single use of towels, paper towels, linens; lists appropriate instruments, equipment, and supplies; require sanitary and hygienic practices of personnel; health and precautionary measures; prohibited hazardous substances and products; and define what invasive procedures are not allowed within the regulations.

If you would like to provide comments on the proposed regulations send them to Alanna Mozeik, Division of Public Health, 302-744-4951, Comments are due no later than Monday, April 1, 2019. DHSS staff will use any comments received to reevaluate the proposed regulations and make any necessary edits before publishing as final.
